The answer to the age old question- "what's the best exercise for fat loss"

You know the phrase there is “100 ways to skin a cat”

Well that stands true when it comes to exercise for fat loss. 

I often get asked "what is the BEST way to exercise for fat loss Nick??"

Or "how should I arrange my workouts for the best results?"

And sadly there is not just one answer- I know, not what you are looking for, but hear me out...

If you train 3x a week and you're a beginner we will probably get you doing 3x full body sessions to start with. 

Then as you get better maybe 1x upper, 1x lower, 1x full body. But with varying levels of difficulty and progressions of movement and cardio included too.

Then depending on how your results are depends on next steps...

See exercise is very individual. Its dependent on time, knowledge, ability, confidence, equipment available, execution, intensity, recovery, flexibility. SO MUCH. 

This is why every client who works with me gets a program tailor made to them. And why it's constantly adapted to suit their ever changing needs. 

There isn't just one go to

So the answer to this question^^ is this:

1.Get someone to make one for you

2. If you don't want to do that; trial and error

3. Change things up every 6-8 weeks, no earlier 

4. The simple exercises are the most effective

5. Sweat DOESN'T = fat loss

6. You should probably spend more time doing weights than cardio 

7. If an exercise is easy, you aren't pushing yourself hard enough as there's no such thing

8. Your consistency with exercising is far more important than the perfect program or exercise regime- so if that's lacking, focus on that over anything else

And if you have done all of the above and things haven't worked out 
Or if you want to skip the trial and error part and get results within the next 4 weeks- GUARENTEED

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